Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Holaa gue balik lagi nih, setelah udah lamaaa banget ga ngepost dan akhirnya hari ini gue bisa sempetin waktu, kenapa? karena gue udah selesai piano woooooooooof bahagia banget BEBAAS.

Btw tadinya mau bikin header baru tapi berhubung besok gue masih uts jadi post aja deh sama ganti backsound blog. ASLIII LAGI SUKA BGT SM JOHN MAYERR

sebenernya dari dulu juga udah suka cuman gara-gara ga sempet dengerin semua lagunya jadi gajadi deh suka bangetnya:(

GANTENG BANGEDH WOOY BUSET wakakaka jentelmen abiz, lyric lagunya ituloh.........kena banget dihati para wanita, terutama the joms aihhhhh
jadi gue lagi suka lagu clarity, your body is wonderland dan yang say aiissh walaupun lagunya udah jadhul tapi kalo kata wan di nih, bes song eperr. khan maen udah lama tetep aja mengena bungs.........

Dan satu lagu lagi, yang judulnya I'm gonna find another you, kena bangeeet asli menyentuh sekali bungs :')

It's really over, you made your stand
You got me crying, as was your plan
But when my loneliness is through, I'm gonna find another you

You take your sweaters
You take your time
You might have your reasons but you will never have my rhymes
I'm gonna sing my way away from blue
I'm gonna find another you

When I was your lover
No one else would do
If I'm forced to find another, I hope she looks like you
Yeah and she's nicer too

So go on baby
Make your little get away
My pride will keep me company
And you just gave yours all away
Now I'm gonna dress myself for two
Once for me and once for someone new
I'm gonna do somethings you wouldn't let me do
Oh I'm gonna find another you

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